Can We Solve the World’s Problems?

Someone once critiqued that I do not offer any solutions to the world’s problems. The person mentioned that they would like to hear how to best deal with the world’s problems, but I could not say that “Let God Take care Of it”. In response to this critique, I’ll give my view on how reasonable it is for us to solve the world’s problems.

There are a few things that I feel could help the world avoid many of the problems ahead:

  • We could probably stem many of the disasters ahead if we could develop a new, clean, and free energy source that could completely replace liquid fuels (i.e. oil) immediately. A new, clean, and free energy source would completely transform the global economy, global politics, and the environment for the better.
  • We could probably stem many of the disasters ahead if we invent a matter-transporting machine that enabled us to move goods or ourselves from one location to another in a matter of seconds. The impact of a matter-transporting machine would probably be similar to the introduction of the new, free, and clean energy source.
  • The world could potentially avoid many of the economic and financial problems if all debt in the world was forgiven. This would eliminate one of the biggest problems that the world has today: too much debt.

Each of the items I listed above is a pipe dream. The likelihood that any of these events occurring before the world experiences a major time of turmoil is practically zero.

The world’s problems cover multiple areas. The world has major economic, financial, energy, environmental, political, and food issues that pose a serious threat to global stability. Even if we managed to completely address one of these problems, we still would have to deal with other problems (which each alone is capable of bringing the world turmoil in the future). Thus, it is unlikely that we can avoid major turmoil ahead even if we were permitted by God to get ourselves out of the difficult situation we will eventually face.

Man cannot overrule God’s Will so there is nothing that can stop the Antichrist’s rise to power when the Bible, which is the word of God, says that this will take place. As a consequence, certain events that pave the way for the rise of Antichrist practically cannot be stopped. We cannot stop an inevitable economic and financial collapse. We cannot stop an increase in the prevalence of wars and rumors of wars. We cannot stop an increase in global earthquake activity. Etc. These events must take place whether we like them or not because they serve a purpose in God’s plan.

I am not saying that resistance is futile. Perhaps people’s efforts can slowdown the pace that events take place or perhaps even lessen the pain the world’s problems have on certain people, but in the end we are dealing God’s timetable. If He wants events to take place soon they will take place soon regardless of man’s best efforts and best intentions. The average person can make the most out of the tumultuous situation ahead if they spiritually and physically prepare themselves and the people they know for the challenges ahead.

If you would like to read about how I spiritually prepare for the future, click this link: Ways I Spiritually Prepare for the Future

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Wayne Croley
Wayne Croley

Hi! I’ve studied and written about Bible prophecy since I was a teenager. My goal is to make Bible prophecy easy for you to understand while avoiding the sensationalism seen elsewhere. I am the author of several end time books, including Prophecy Proof Insights on the End Times, a comprehensive book about the end times. I hold an M.B.A. and degrees in Managerial Economics and Political Science.