
end times book

My End Times Book Is Now Available

I want to announce that I have finally finished a task that has taken me many years to complete. As a teenager, I not only wanted to learn about Bible prophecy so that I could understand what will happen, but I also wanted to learn so that I could someday help others to understand what will happen. This desire to help others to understand what will happen ultimately led to a desire to write a comprehensive book about the end times. After many years of work, this comprehensive book about the end times is finally complete. The title of my book is Prophecy Proof Insights of the End Times.
Daniel 9

Video: Daniel 9 Proves that Jesus Is the Messiah

In this video, I will show how we can use Daniel 9 to confirm that the Bible identifies Jesus as the Messiah. With this information, you will be able to prove to skeptics that what the Bible says is true, including the things that it says about Jesus.

Will Christians See the Antichrist?

Will Christians see the Antichrist? I answer this important and controversial Bible prophecy question in this article by using scripture about Antichrist.
divine appointment

A Witness to a Divine Appointment

I want to share a true story with anyone who may be struggling with what is taking place in their life or who may be wondering if God is at work in their life. I want to share a true story of a divine appointment that I got to witness firsthand.