Book of Luke

Who Will Populate the Millennium Kingdom?

Who Will Populate the Millennium Kingdom?

A while back, a reader asked for my thoughts on who will populate the earth during the Millennium Kingdom. This is an important topic because many Rapture debates can hinge on this issue. For instance, many Pre-Trib supporters believe that Post-Trib supporters can’t answer this question. As a result, they dismiss the Post-Trib position. Given the topic’s importance, I will explain who will populate the Millennium Kingdom in this article.
Luke 17:37

Luke 17:37: The Most Overlooked Prophecy?

Luke 17:37 may be the most overlooked Bible prophecy verse in the entire Bible. I have not seen many Bible prophecy commentators address Luke 17:37 in my many years of study. Despite being overlooked, Luke 17:37 may be one of the most important Bible prophecy verses in the Bible. In fact, studying Luke 17:37 caused me to reevaluate many assumptions I had about the end times and caused others to reevaluate everything they were taught about the end times. In this article, I will highlight Luke 17:37 while discussing several important end time passages.
end times book

My End Times Book Is Now Available

I want to announce that I have finally finished a task that has taken me many years to complete. As a teenager, I not only wanted to learn about Bible prophecy so that I could understand what will happen, but I also wanted to learn so that I could someday help others to understand what will happen. This desire to help others to understand what will happen ultimately led to a desire to write a comprehensive book about the end times. After many years of work, this comprehensive book about the end times is finally complete. The title of my book is Prophecy Proof Insights of the End Times.
magnitude 6.5

Have Magnitude 6.5+ Earthquakes Increased?

Major earthquakes receive a lot of media attention these days. Major earthquakes do not need to occur near land to earn a breaking news banner on major news websites. The widespread prevalence of major earthquake reports in the media leads to the question: “Are major earthquakes becoming more common these days?” I will address this question by examining trends in 6.5 and greater earthquake activity since 1900 in this article.
Parable of the Fig Tree

Parable of the Fig Tree Insights

Many people believe that Israel represents the fig tree in the parable and that we are the generation that will see the return of Christ after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. This viewpoint has led to speculation over the past few decades about when Christ will return. I provide insight on the parable of the fig tree in this article.
magnitude 7.0

Have Magnitude 7.0+ Earthquakes Increased?

Major earthquakes receive a lot of media attention these days. Major earthquakes do not need to occur near land to earn a breaking news banner on major news websites. The widespread prevalence of major earthquake reports in the media leads to the question: “Are major earthquakes becoming more common these days?” I will address this question by examining trends in magnitude 7.0 and greater earthquake activity since 1900 in this article.
great earthquakes

Have Great Earthquakes Increased Since 1900?

Great earthquakes receive a lot of media attention these days. Great earthquakes do not need to occur near land to earn a breaking news banner on major news websites. The widespread attention great earthquake reports receive in the media leads to the question: “Are great earthquakes becoming more common these days?” I will address this question by examining trends in 8.0 and greater earthquake activity since 1900 in this article.
fallen angels

The Difference between Fallen Angels and Demons

You often hear the terms “fallen angel” and “demon” used by people. You may hear these terms so often that you might wonder if there is any real difference between them. I believe fallen angels and demons are not the same thing. I will explain why fallen angels and demons are different in this article.