
Here are videos that I have done pertaining to Bible prophecy and other topics. I plan to add more videos in the future.

fifth seal

Is the Fifth Seal of Revelation Already Opened?

The opening of the fifth seal described in the Book of Revelation is a topic of much debate. Some believe the opening of the fifth seal has already occurred while others argue that it has not happened yet. In this article, I will provide insight about the fifth seal and answer whether it has already been opened.
Luke 17:37

Luke 17:37: The Most Overlooked Prophecy?

Luke 17:37 may be the most overlooked Bible prophecy verse in the entire Bible. I have not seen many Bible prophecy commentators address Luke 17:37 in my many years of study. Despite being overlooked, Luke 17:37 may be one of the most important Bible prophecy verses in the Bible. In fact, studying Luke 17:37 caused me to reevaluate many assumptions I had about the end times and caused others to reevaluate everything they were taught about the end times. In this article, I will highlight Luke 17:37 while discussing several important end time passages.
the god of forces

Who Is the God of Forces of Daniel 11:38-39?

The Book of Daniel references a mysterious figure known as the “god of forces”. According to Daniel 11:38-39, the Antichrist, the most arrogant man who will ever live, will acknowledge the “god of forces”. Who would the Antichrist find worth honoring? In this article, I answer who is the god of forces.
end times book

My End Times Book Is Now Available

I want to announce that I have finally finished a task that has taken me many years to complete. As a teenager, I not only wanted to learn about Bible prophecy so that I could understand what will happen, but I also wanted to learn so that I could someday help others to understand what will happen. This desire to help others to understand what will happen ultimately led to a desire to write a comprehensive book about the end times. After many years of work, this comprehensive book about the end times is finally complete. The title of my book is Prophecy Proof Insights of the End Times.
Daniel 9

Video: Daniel 9 Proves that Jesus Is the Messiah

In this video, I will show how we can use Daniel 9 to confirm that the Bible identifies Jesus as the Messiah. With this information, you will be able to prove to skeptics that what the Bible says is true, including the things that it says about Jesus.
political instability

A Video on the Political Instability of the Future

I mentioned in a previous video that I believe we still need to see a lot of political instability in the world prior to the start of the end times. This video focuses on why I believe we need to see a lot more political instability in the future.