seventieth week of Daniel

Wrath of God

The Rapture & the End Time Wrath of God We Avoid

Some of the most persuasive items that seem to favor the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view are several verses that state that Christians are not appointed to wrath. Despite these verses, there are some who argue against the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view. Are these people blind? Are they ignoring Scripture? We will see by looking at the wrath of God we are not appointed to in this article.
70 Weeks

Why the Tribulation is 7 Years Long

You may have seen people talk about how the tribulation will last for 7 years. How do people know that the tribulation will last for 7 years? Where does that number come from?In this article, I will show you how we can know that the tribulation will last for 7 years.
Daniel 9

Video: Daniel 9 Proves that Jesus Is the Messiah

In this video, I will show how we can use Daniel 9 to confirm that the Bible identifies Jesus as the Messiah. With this information, you will be able to prove to skeptics that what the Bible says is true, including the things that it says about Jesus.

How to Tell If We’re Living in the Tribulation

A reader a while back asked me something along the lines of “how shall we know when the “tribulation” has definitely begun”. This is an important question to address because there is a lot of speculation about when the seventieth week of Daniel (the seven year time period that most people refer to as the “tribulation”) might begin or what people are going to see before it begins. It would be useful for us to have some definitive signposts that we look for so we do not get caught off guard when the seventieth week of Daniel does begin or get caught up in premature proclamations that the seventieth week of Daniel has already begun. I'll provide a few definitive signposts that the seventieth week of Daniel has begun or is about ready to begin in this article.
Revelation 17:8

Satan’s Biggest End Time Deception

Satan is going to use all sorts of lying signs and wonders to deceive the world. Revelation 17:8 reveals what will be Satan’s biggest end time deception. I will describe this end time deception in this article.