current events

2019 Rapture?

Will the Rapture Take Place in 2024?

Will the Rapture take place in 2023? Some believe that a 2023 Rapture might actually happen! Could the Rapture take place this year? In this article, I answer whether a 2023 Rapture is possible.

Post 2016 U.S. Election Thoughts

In this article, I will share some of my thoughts about where I believe America may be heading in the short-term and long-term following the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Brexit: A Couple of Thoughts About Its Prophecy Significance

I’m sure just about everyone who is following the news knows by now that Britain voted to leave the European Union. In this article, I provide a couple of quick thoughts about the significance of Brexit, including its potential Bible prophecy significance,.

Asteroid Apocalypse: What Does the Bible Say?

Some fear that a giant asteroid will someday destroy all life on the planet. Are those fears warranted? I discuss what the Bible says about the possibility for an asteroid or another space object to destroy all life on Earth in this article.
Book of Revelation

Why Study the Book of Revelation?

Why should people study the Book of Revelation? What value does it have in our daily lives? How should I study the Book of Revelation? I explain why it is important to study the Book of Revelation and how you should study the Book of Revelation in this article.