Book of Isaiah

Israel at war

Israel at War: A Bible Prophecy Perspective

Israel is now at war after Hamas shocked Israel with a surprise attack that has killed hundreds and injured thousands. The situation is very fluid. As a result, I will not comment on the situation on the ground. Instead, I will analyze the situation from a Bible prophecy perspective.
Prophecy Proof Insights on the Rapture

New Book: Insights on the Rapture

Many believe the Rapture can come at any moment. Many think that Christians will be gone in a twinkling of an eye and those left behind will face a world of chaos and confusion. This depiction of the Rapture is promoted in books, movies, videos, and in churches. In fact, I go to a church that promotes this depiction. But just because something is popular does not mean it is true.
Job 14:12

Job 14:12, the Rapture, and Resurrection of the Righteous

Job 14:12 is one of the most overlooked Bible prophecy-related verses in the entire Bible. However, Job 14:12 is immensely important because it gives us key details about the resurrection of the righteous at the Rapture. In this video, I will highlight this key end time passage.
Why Matthew 24 Applies to the Church

Why Matthew 24 Applies to the Church

Matthew 24 speaks of many troubling events for the righteous, including persecution, the rise of false Christs and prophets, and love growing cold. Many believe Matthew 24 is for Jews and not for the Church. You find this teaching especially popular with those who believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture. Even though this teaching is widespread, is it biblical? After a lot of study, I believe the teaching that Matthew 24 is only for the Jews is unbiblical. In this article, I will explain why Matthew 24 applies to the Church.
Who Will Populate the Millennium Kingdom?

Who Will Populate the Millennium Kingdom?

A while back, a reader asked for my thoughts on who will populate the earth during the Millennium Kingdom. This is an important topic because many Rapture debates can hinge on this issue. For instance, many Pre-Trib supporters believe that Post-Trib supporters can’t answer this question. As a result, they dismiss the Post-Trib position. Given the topic’s importance, I will explain who will populate the Millennium Kingdom in this article.
Blessed Hope Rapture

Is the Blessed Hope the Pre-Trib Rapture?

Pre-Trib Rapture teachers argue that the blessed hope will be fulfilled at the Day of Christ before the start of the tribulation. They argue that the Day of Christ is not the same as the Day of the Lord, which many believe will start after the tribulation. Therefore, our blessed hope can come at any time according to the Pre-Trib Rapture theory. Will the blessed hope be realized at the appearance of Christ in a Pre-Trib Rapture? Is the Day of Christ different from the Day of the Lord? I will answer these questions and more in this article.
end times book

My End Times Book Is Now Available

I want to announce that I have finally finished a task that has taken me many years to complete. As a teenager, I not only wanted to learn about Bible prophecy so that I could understand what will happen, but I also wanted to learn so that I could someday help others to understand what will happen. This desire to help others to understand what will happen ultimately led to a desire to write a comprehensive book about the end times. After many years of work, this comprehensive book about the end times is finally complete. The title of my book is Prophecy Proof Insights of the End Times.