Book of Daniel

Prophecy Proof Insights on the Rapture

New Book: Insights on the Rapture

Many believe the Rapture can come at any moment. Many think that Christians will be gone in a twinkling of an eye and those left behind will face a world of chaos and confusion. This depiction of the Rapture is promoted in books, movies, videos, and in churches. In fact, I go to a church that promotes this depiction. But just because something is popular does not mean it is true.
Parable of the Wheat and Tares Insights

The Parable of the Wheat and Tares Insights

Many Bible prophecy teachers overlook the Parable of the Wheat and Tares. However, we should not overlook this parable. It has crucial details about the onset of the end of the age and the coming of Christ. Everyone who studies Bible prophecy must account for the Parable of the Wheat and Tares. Your understanding of the end times will be incomplete if you cannot account for this parable. In this article, I will provide you insight about the Parable of the Wheat and Tares.
Holy Spirit Is Not the Restrainer of 2 Thessalonians

Why the Holy Spirit Is Not the Restrainer of 2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians 2 tells us about a figure known as “the restrainer”. The restrainer is an entity that is holding back the unveiling of the Antichrist and the working of Satan’s full power. However, the restrainer will vacate their role in the end times. This will enable Satan and the Antichrist much more freedom to unleash evil on this world.
Prophecy Proof Insights on the Last Generation

Christ Will Return! Will It Be Soon?

Many believe we are the last generation before the coming of Christ. Many expect us to see the events that Christ described come to pass. We are seeing widespread disease, geopolitical movements, and social unrest. Could we see the tribulation start soon?
Abraham Accord

Is the Abraham Accord the Covenant with Many?

The recent peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (also known as the Abraham Accord) is getting a lot of attention. Could it be the "covenant with many" of Daniel 9:27?
70 Weeks

Why the Tribulation is 7 Years Long

You may have seen people talk about how the tribulation will last for 7 years. How do people know that the tribulation will last for 7 years? Where does that number come from?In this article, I will show you how we can know that the tribulation will last for 7 years.
2019 Rapture?

Will the Rapture Take Place in 2024?

Will the Rapture take place in 2023? Some believe that a 2023 Rapture might actually happen! Could the Rapture take place this year? In this article, I answer whether a 2023 Rapture is possible.
Revelation 13

Revelation 13: Who Is the Beast of the Sea?

I've seen a lot of questions about Bible prophecy on Quora. One of the topics that comes up frequently concerns the beast of the sea described in Revelation 13. I will answer who is the beast of the sea in Revelation 13 in this article.