End Times

The end times is a topic that many people speculate about. I seek to make end time events and topics easy for people of all levels to understand without the hype and sensationalism often found on other Bible prophecy websites and platforms. The articles on this page provide insight on many end time topics and events.

Book of Revelation

Why Study the Book of Revelation?

Why should people study the Book of Revelation? What value does it have in our daily lives? How should I study the Book of Revelation? I explain why it is important to study the Book of Revelation and how you should study the Book of Revelation in this article.
false prophets

The Two Witnesses vs. End Time False Prophets

You may have heard people claim to you that they are one of the Two Witnesses or claim to have met the Two Witnesses. I don’t want you to get deceived. In this article, I’ll share with you insight about the Two Witnesses who will appear, including their likely identity.
Is Jerusalem Babylon the Great?

Is Jerusalem Babylon the Great?

Some speculate that Jerusalem represents Babylon the Great City. I provide insight on whether Jerusalem represents Babylon the Great City in this article.
New York

Is New York City Babylon the Great?

I was asked a while ago for my thoughts on the potential for New York City to be Babylon the Great City. I believe many people are wondering if New York City is Babylon the Great City, so I will share my thoughts on whether the city represents Babylon the Great City in this article.

The Antichrist & Oil During the End Times

In this article, I want to show how much of the world’s oil comes from the Middle East to provide some sense of how much economic and political clout the Antichrist would likely gain if he manages to conquer the oil-producing countries of the Middle East. I also want to show how much of the world’s oil currently comes from Europe and Russia to provide a sense of how more powerful the Antichrist could become if he also controlled these areas.